Please post your suggestions of Wikipedia articles related to biology that need some serious editing. To get quiz bank credit for your suggestions, include a link to the article and a couple sentences summarizing how the article could be improved. You can post 2 suggestions for credit.
ReplyDeleteThe article gives a simple and very short definition of Hypoglossia. It would be much better if the article contained a more detailed definition and a few other sections further describing this condition. One paragraph could describe the cause: Is this deformity hereditary or caused by something else. Another section could describe possible treatments for this condition, or how to alleviate it. Also, a section could be added to describe current medical research that is performed for this condition.
Anna P.
ReplyDeleteThe article provides only a brief definition of an Epsilon Cell. Even though these cells were only recently discovered, there exists some research about how these cells are developed. The article should include a brief description of current research and provide links to the article. Also, it would be good to include a picture of an Epsilon Cell.
Anna P.
ReplyDeleteThe article shows various methods of reproduction but does not go into very much detail when describing double fertilization. The topic could have its own page but it is only a few paragraphs in length on wikipedia. Graphs and figures could also be added to better explain the process to people that have no idea what the text is saying. Having a visual aid to look at when reading something helps to understand what is being said.
David E.
ReplyDeleteThe article gives a basic definition of gymnosperms but does not add much detail on the phylums that are included in this category. More figures could be added to explain the morphology of a gymnosperm with added examples. The section on origins could be better explained and more detail could be given by adding other sections.
David E.
Taken as one, these are short articles with no diagrams and short descriptions. The "grey cresent" is not mentioned anywhere despite its importance in salamander development.
ReplyDeleteLittle more than a definition, this stub can be improved with a bit of text elaboration, and a diagram depicting how karyogamy fits into the fungi reproductive cycle. The Fungus article does not include one.
ReplyDeleteAdding to the status of the invasive plant in Florida. Adding specifics of how the plant is being controlled, exact dollar figures..ect.
ReplyDeleteCan add location of microsporangia and megsporangia relative to one another. Add pictures to compare the staminate and ovulate cones like on pg. 99 of our lab manual.
ReplyDeleteThe article on Population Ecology is very breif and not on point. It has no diagrams does not mention any trends in population including population growth or regulation. Adding these few sections and some mathematical calculations as shown in our lab book would breatly improve this article.
-Brian M
ReplyDeleteWikipedia has posted on their Fetal pig article that it does not cite any references. Also, the information provided is very limited. We could greatly expand on this article with just the information from our fetal pig experiment.
ReplyDeleteThis article doesn't have anything more than a definition and a statement about it being close to land plants in lineage. We could provide what the first characteristics of plants were, such as the phragmoplasts, antheridia and oogonia, and pyrenoids. We could also add some pictures of common Chara. We could also describe the characteristics unique to the phylum, such as Calcium Carbonate that attaches to the cell walls.
We could either combine these two articles on double fertilization into one article, or the page labeled "Double Fertilization" needs to be deleted all together. More information is on the page titled "Double fertilization" and that seems to be the page more people are editing. Wikipedia needs to come up with a way to ensure this doesn't happen with more pages by having a set format that all pages need to follow in setting up a page. For example, titles of all Wikipedia pages should either have to be capitalized or not capitalized. We could email Wikipedia this suggestion.
- Jennifer O.